Imagine if every time the Word of God was preached that somebody got saved!
I've been weeks under the tent, and every night God shows up, and people's lives are changed for an eternity! There was 97 visiting Pastors visiting from far away! God has been bringing his people a refreshing, and that every single night! #addingtothechurchdaily #kjv #hymns #Godisgood #altercallsyou #alltoJesus #Isurrenderall
Imagine if every time the Word of God was preached that somebody got saved! I've been weeks under the tent, and every night God shows up, and people's lives are changed for an eternity! There was 97 visiting Pastors visiting from far away! God has been bringing his people a refreshing, and that every single night! #addingtothechurchdaily #kjv #hymns #Godisgood #altercallsyou #alltoJesus #Isurrenderall