Kind, compassionate, johnny on the spot and a work ethic to shout about... I had a house fire and within 3 days of the fire American Water Damage was onsite taking care of my every need. They made the fire, contents listing of the house, securing the house and decision making... almost care free. Everyone was incredibly kind and had my best interest at heart. The work on the house and communication has been timely and I am grateful that they take great pride in their work and care about their clients.
Kind, compassionate, johnny on the spot and a work ethic to shout about... I had a house fire and within 3 days of the fire American Water Damage was onsite taking care of my every need. They made the fire, contents listing of the house, securing the house and decision making... almost care free. Everyone was incredibly kind and had my best interest at heart. The work on the house and communication has been timely and I am grateful that they take great pride in their work and care about their clients.